Monday, 29 April 2013

Why Auto Credit Loan Dealers Fail in Facebook Marketing Tactics?

Auto credit loan dealers fail in Facebook promotional strategies because they use the platform in the wrong way. Requesting for likes, talking too much, and sending spam messages are some of the blunders. 

Many automobile dealers fail to improve sales figures because they use Facebook in the wrong way. Facebook is one of the misunderstood and misused social media tools. This is the reason many auto credit loan dealers are failing miserably in their marketing efforts. Let’s examine where you are going wrong. 

Babbling Unnecessarily for Attention
There are car sellers who try to get too much attention. This is not wrong, but you need to be practical. Babbling unnecessarily in your status updates will not do you much good when it comes to car sales leads. Posting unrelated content, videos, images, and questions are regarded as babble because some dealers are not aware of people’s reactions. It’s no use getting noticed for a short while by creating a lot of noise. As a professional dealer, there is no need to attract audience attention just to show them that you exist in Facebook! Instead, opt for appropriate and feasible strategies to generate auto loan leads. 

Please ‘Like Me Back’!
This is the greatest blunder that one can commit. Why should anyone like you in the first place! What have you done for your prospects? Did you help them in any way? Did you do something great? If the answers to these questions are in the negative, stop sending ‘Like me back please’ requests to people. Asking for likes is not a professional gesture. With advanced and novel strategies, customers will not only like you but also become car sales leads eventually. You need to be sincere and honest in your marketing efforts to attract the attention of prospective clients. 

Sending Too Many Promotional Messages
Steer clear of this marketing gimmick if you don’t want your prospects to detest you for sending multiple high-pitched sales messages. First of all, your audience will feel uneasy that you are able to send messages randomly despite the fact they did not contact you. Then, such messages are regarded as spam. Most important is the fact that you will lose these prospects instead of converting them into loyal customers. As an auto credit loan dealer, it is, therefore, necessary to understand who your target audience is and what strategies to adopt for improving sales. Avoid sending annoying messages that serve no purpose. Try to identify the right people like vehicle buyers, car aficionados, and consumers looking for car finance.

Remember that social networking sites are perfect for establishing relationships with existing customers and potential ones. It’s not meant for selling!

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